Wat een prachtig weer hebben we gehad de afgelopen dagen. Op deze manier vind zelfs ik de herfst wel leuk. Want eigenlijk heb ik een hekel aan het najaar... In ieder geval heeft het weer me geïnspireerd tot het maken van deze nieuwe kit:
Color Fawn. Met een knipoog naar 'Colorfull' en 'Color-Fall' en natuurlijk met hertjes en andere dieren. Perfect om dagen op de camping of boswandelingen te scrappen. Deze week met korting verkrijgbaar in
mijn shop.

We have had such a lovely weather the last few days here in the Netherlands. If it's like this, even I like autumn! Because I actually don't like fall at all... Anyway, this Indian Summer like weather inspired me to create my new kit:
Color Fawn. With a wink to 'Colorfull' and 'Color-Fall' and with some deer and other animals. It's perfect to scrap those camping days or forest walks. This week it's on sale in
my shop.

To go with this new release, I also created
Flairs and
3 extra Paper Packs. All are available in my shop, but as my valued follower, you get some gifts. Go to my
facebook page to download paper pack #1 (as shown here, but please be patient, it might take a while before they are up...) for free. Here on my blog you can
download paper pack #2 for free! Enjoy!
P.S. The Flairs were given away for free in my newsletter today... It might happen again next week, so don't forget to
sign up. At least you'll be in the loop to get news first handed! ;)