zaterdag 25 juni 2016
Nothing new this week!
This week I don't have something new! Only a friendly reminder to download all the current freebies. On July 1st there will be something new!
woensdag 22 juni 2016
2000 Likes on Facebook!

This month I reached the 2000 fans on Facebook. Yay! To celebrate I created this extra template. If you create a page with this template (you can download it on my Facebook page, under the 2000 Fans Freebie tab), use it together with one of my products (either currently in my shop, a freebie or retired) and post it on my Facebook page or in the thread on the WLS forum, you'll get a coupon to get June 2016 Template Pack for free! You have until the end of June 2016 to post your page.

zaterdag 18 juni 2016
#SpringFeelings: Father's Day

Hier in Nederland vieren we morgen Vaderdag. Een dag om die speciale man in je leven in het zonnetje te zetten. En aangezien de lente op zijn einde komt, is dit de laatste kit in de #SpringFeelings serie. #SpringFeelings: Father's Day is een mannelijke kit, met auto's snorren en een barbecue. Naast de kit is er ook een pack met Flairs en een extra Paper Pack. Alles is verkrijgbaar met 50% korting gedurende de eerste week!

Here in the Netherlands we celebrate Father's Day tomorrow. A day to honour that special man in your live. And because Spring is near it's end, this is the last kit in the #SpringFeelings series. #SpringFeelings: Father's Day is a malish kit with cars, moustaches and a grill. Besides the kit I also made a Flairs add-on and an extra Paper Pack. All pieces are available with 50% discount during the first week!
woensdag 15 juni 2016
Dreaming of Happiness, Lovely Colors

Het is 15 juni en dat betekent dat de nieuwe Lovely Colors de shop in zijn gegaan. De kleuren deden mij denken aan het liedje 'Happy' van Pharell Williams, dus het thema voor deze maand was snel bedacht: Dreaming of Happiness! Tot 20 juni kosten de single packs slechts $1 per stuk.

It's June 15 and that means the new Lovely Colors did go into the shop. The colors made me think of the song 'Happy' by Pharell Williams, so the theme for this month was brought up quickly: Dreaming of Happiness! Until June 20 every single pack is available for $1 each.

maandag 13 juni 2016
Sneak peek new Lovely Colors

On June 15 the new Lovely Colors will go into the shop. Here's a sneak peek. Can you guess the theme? What will we be dreaming of this month?
zaterdag 11 juni 2016
June 2016 Template Pack

Een nieuwe maand en daar hoort een nieuwe template pack bij. June 2016 Template Pack bevat 4 templates met een uitgekiende achtergrond layering. De paperstrips achter de foto zorgen voor diepte. Natuurlijk bevatten deze templates geen schaduwen of elements, zodat er genoeg ruimte blijft voor eigen creativiteit.

A new month and with that comes a new template pack. June 2016 Template Pack contains 4 templates with a great background layering. The paperstrips behind the photo add depth to your page. Of course there are no shadows nor elements added, so that leaves space to your own creativity.

Last week I reached the 2000 fans on Facebook. Yay! To celebrate I created this extra template. If you create a page with this template (you can download it on my Facebook page, under the 2000 Fans Freebie tab), use it together with one of my products (either currently in my shop, a freebie or retired) and post it on my Facebook page or in the thread on the WLS forum, you'll get a coupon to get the full template set for free! You have until the end of June 2016 to post your page.

Digi Scrap,
Digital Scrapbooking,
Digital Scrapping,
Romajo Scraps,
With Love Studio,
Super Speed Scrap today!

Join me in a right now for a super speed scrap at the With Love Studio Forums. During 30 minutes I'll post an instruction every 5 minutes. After that you have 48 hours to complete your page and earn a Love Point!
Due to a conflict with the scheduled times (my daughter has a dance performance on the same time the speed scrap would have been), this is 2 hours earlier than planned! Sorry for the inconvenience! But... you get at least 2 more hours to finish your page.
Dreaming of Expression

Op 15 juni komen de nieuwe Lovely Colors, dus de single packs van mei heb ik nu gebebundeld tot een volledige kit. Dreaming of Expression gaat over jezelf uitdrukken door middel van de kunsten, voornamelijk schilderen. De kit bevat alle single pack en is nu verkrijgbaar in mijn shop. Natuurlijk met korting gedurende de eerste week.

On June 15 the new Lovely Colors will go into the shop, so I bundled the single May packs into a full kit. Dreaming of Expression is all about expressing yourself through art, mostly painting. The kit contains all single packs and is now available in my shop. Of course it's on sale during the first week.
donderdag 9 juni 2016
Final day for single Dreaming Of Expression Packs!

On June 15th the new Lovely Colors will go into the With Love Studio shop. That means that next week May's single packs will be packed together and are only available as a full kit. But... before you can only get the full kit of Dreaming of Expression, you now have the chance to get the single packs for only $1 each again. This sale ends on TODAY. After that, the single packs are gone and it is only available as a full kit.
woensdag 8 juni 2016
Speed Scrap coming!

Join me on June 11th for a super speed scrap at the With Love Studio Forums. During 30 minutes I'll post an instruction every 5 minutes. After that you have 48 hours to complete your page and earn a Love Point!
maandag 6 juni 2016
Final week for: Dreaming Of... Expression single packs

On June 15th the new Lovely Colors will go into the With Love Studio shop. That means that next week May's single packs will be packed together and are only available as a full kit. But... before you can only get the full kit of Dreaming of Expression, you now have the chance to get the single packs for only $1 each again. This sale starts today and ends on Thursday, June 9th. After that, the single packs are gone and it is only available as a full kit.
zaterdag 4 juni 2016
Rustic Serenity

Het is (bijna) zomer en dat betekent voor veel mensen: chaos! Kinderen maken thuis herrie en rommel, voordat je op vakantie kan, moet er nog veel gebeuren en zo is er nog wel meer. Maar hopelijk betekent het ook dat er rustige, stille momenten zijn. Momenten om op adem te komen en te genieten van een rustieke sereniteit. Of dat nu op de boerderij, in een museum, aan het strand of in de stad is, er is altijd wel een zo'n plek te vinden. Rustic Serenity is de perfecte kit om die momenten te scrappen. En de kit is groot, met 30 papers, 100 elements en 2 complete alphas! Natuurlijk is deze kit met korting verkrijgbaar gedurende de eerste week!

It's (almost) summer and for a lot of people that means: chaos! Kids at home making noise and a mess, a lot of things need to be done before you can go on vacation and there are so many more things. But hopefully it also means there are nice, quiet moments. Moments where you can take a deep breath and enjoy a rustic serenity. Wheter it is at a farm, in a museum, at the beach or in the city, there can be found such a place anywhere. Rustic Serenity is the perfect kit to scrap those moments. And the kit is huge, with 30 papers, 100 elements and 2 full alphas! Of course the kit is on sale during the first week!
woensdag 1 juni 2016
Magical Mousetery Tour
A Magical Adventure
Welcome to the June Magical Mousetery Tour: A Magical Adventure!

Here's my preview. You can download the papers on my facebook page and the alpha will be given away through my newsletter (don't forget to sign up, newsletters are normally send out on Saturdays).
The elements can be downloaded here and here (make sure to download both portions).
Your next stop is Triple J Designs. If you get lost along the way, simply head back to the main Magical Mousetery Tour post to view the master list and get back on track.

Here's my preview. You can download the papers on my facebook page and the alpha will be given away through my newsletter (don't forget to sign up, newsletters are normally send out on Saturdays).
The elements can be downloaded here and here (make sure to download both portions).
Your next stop is Triple J Designs. If you get lost along the way, simply head back to the main Magical Mousetery Tour post to view the master list and get back on track.

Digi Blog Hop,
Digi Scrap,
Digital Scrapbooking,
Digital Scrapping,
Magical Mousetery Tour,
Romajo Scraps,
The Digi Express:
Step Into Summer

Welkom bij weer een nieuwe DigiExpress. Deze keer kozen we voor frisse zomerkleuren. En aangezien we al met één been in de zomer staan (tenslotte begint de meteorologische zomer vandaag) kozen we ook een zomerthema: Step Into Summer. En wat past er beter bij zomer dan lekker zwemmen en chillen in de zon?

Welcome to a new DigiExpress. This time we picked some fresh summer colors. And since we are standing with one leg in summer already (actually, today starts the meteorological summer already) we picked a summer theme as well: Step Into Summer. And what goes better with summer than swimming and chilling in the sun?

You can download the papers on my facebook page.
The elements can be downloaded here (or by clicking on the preview).
And the alpha will be given away through my June newsletters. Sign up here if you hadn't already!
Here's the complete bloghop list, in case you get lost:
Dea's Designs
Designs by Romajo <-- You are here!
Digicats (& Dogs)
Dreamn4Ever Designs
KJD Designs
Miggins Does Scrapsville
Sunshine Inspired Designs
Digi Blog Hop,
Digi Scrap,
Digital Scrapbooking,
Digital Scrapping,
Romajo Scraps,
The Digi Express
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