Ja, ja, wat zal ik daar mee bedoelen? Nou heel simpel: gisteren was onze trouwdag (
Anniversary) en vandaag is het mijn verjaardag (
Birthday) en bestaat Romajo's Scrap Shop 1 jaar (
Designerversary)!! Genoeg te vieren en daarom kom ik nu met 2 kits en een sale vandaag! De eerste is Enchanted Night, een full kit met 2 add-ons (flairs en paperpack). Perfect voor het scrappen van de liefde van nu, maar ook van vroeger. De kit kan
hier in
mijn shop gevonden worden.

Yeah, yeah, what would I mean with that? Well, it's quite simple: yesterday was our wedding
Anniversary and today is my
Birthday and Romajo's Scrap Shop turns one, so it's also my
Designerversary! Enough to celebrate and that's why I have 2 new kits and a sale today! The first one is Enchanted Night, a full kit with two add-ons (flairs and paper pack). Perfect to scrap love of nowadays and yesteryears. You can find the
kit here in
my shop.

De tweede kit is een vrolijke feest minikit: Balloons and Celebrations. Niet zo uitgebreid als Enchanted night, maar wel vol met die echte verjaardagsdingen: vlaggetjes, slingers, ballonnen, taartjes en andere vrolijke dingen. Deze minikit is
hier te vinden in
mijn shop.

The second kit is a happy party minikit: Balloons and Celebrations. Not as big as Enchanted Night, but it is full with all those birthday things: flags, banners, balloons, cupcakes and other happy things! This minikit can be found
here in
my shop.

Because of all the celebrations and festivities, my complete shop is on sale for the entire week! Everything is 50% off, including these new releases and bundles! So start shopping and saving
here. Have fun and don't forget to celebrate life!
Oh, and don't forget to stop by
Annet's blog and/or
Jennifer's blog. They both have a little something for you made with Enchanted Night!