Het is bijna niet voor te stellen, maar over 3 maanden zijn we al weer aan het eind van dit jaar. Dat betekent dus ook dat we op het Noordelijk Halfrond al weer herfst hebben... Wat gaat het toch snel allemaal... Dat betekent ook dat september al weer bijna voorbij is en dus is het tijd voor de P12 release van deze maand. P12-September is dan ook nu in mijn shop te vinden, met korting de eerste week. ;-)
It's quite unbelievable but this year is over in three months! It also means that at the Northern Hemisphere it is autumn already! Time really flies. It also means that September is almost over, so it's time for my new P12 release. P12-September is now in my shop, on sale for the first week. ;-)
This week I'm hosting the template challenge at MouseScrappers. I made two templates, they are downloadable in my shop. Just hit the download button, or add it to your cart if you want to buy more. ;-) Enjoy. And I can't wait to see what you made with it, Disney related or not!
If you like more freebies you should visit the blogs of my CT-members: Annet, Jennifer and Lisa.
zaterdag 28 september 2013
zaterdag 21 september 2013
Own the Night!
Avond foto's... die zijn toch vaak lastig om te scrappen. Aangezien ik daar zelf ook altijd last mee heb, vond ik dat ik ook een eigen avondfoto's kit moest hebben. En hier is-ie dan: Own the Night. Vanaf nu in mijn shop te vinden, natuurlijk met 50% korting.
Nighttime shots... they are hard to scrap. I Always struggle with them, so I thought I could use a nighttime kit. And here it is: Own the Night. It's now available in my store, at 50% discount!
And to go with this kit, I have a freebie for you too. You can get it here, no password! Have fun and happy scrapping! Oh, and don't forget to hop to Annet's and Jennifer's blogs, they both have a freebie for you!
zaterdag 14 september 2013
Old goodies now in store!

Do these kits look familiar to you? Quite possible, because they all have been given away as freebies during the last few months. Now they are available in my shop and they are 50% off too!
zaterdag 7 september 2013
Nautical Life
Gisteren was de reveal van de Designer Challenge, vandaag de release van de bijbehorende minikit. Nautical Life is nu in mijn shop te vinden, met 50% korting gedurende de eerste week! Vergeet ook de freebies niet: op mijn blog (ook de bloghop), op Annets blog en op facebook! De template die ik heb gebruikt voor mijn layout is vandaag naar alle nieuwsbrief lezers verstuurd en is exclusief voor hen!
Yesterday was the reveal of the Designer Challenge, today is the release of the associated minikit. Nautical Life is now in my shop, with 50% discout for the first week! Don't forget about all the freebies: at my blog (also the bloghop), at Annet's blog and on facebook! The template I used for my layout has been sent out to all newsletter readers and is an exclusive gift to them.
Have fun and happy scrapping!
Yesterday was the reveal of the Designer Challenge, today is the release of the associated minikit. Nautical Life is now in my shop, with 50% discout for the first week! Don't forget about all the freebies: at my blog (also the bloghop), at Annet's blog and on facebook! The template I used for my layout has been sent out to all newsletter readers and is an exclusive gift to them.
Have fun and happy scrapping!
vrijdag 6 september 2013
DC#12: Nautical Bloghop
Het is weer de eerste vrijdag van de maand: Designer Challenge Reveal bij MouseScrappers. Deze keer was het thema: Nautical. En aangezien ik nog nooit op een cruise ben geweest, dacht ik direct aan die Disney Beer die met zijn Muisvriend uit zeilen ging. ;-) Voor de challenge zelf heb ik trouwens alles in glitters gemaakt, de freebie is speciaal voor.... Duffy!! Downloaden kan door op de preview te klikken,
of gewoon hier.
It's the first Friday of the month: Designer Challenge reveal at MouseScrappers. This time we had a theme: Nautical. And because I haven't been on a cruise before, I thought about the Disney Bear who sailed across the world with his Mouse friend. Oh, for the challenge I made everything glitter-y. The freebie is dedicated to that cute sailor bear.... Duffy!! You can download my freebie by clicking the
preview, or here.
On my facebook page I also have a free alpha to go with this kit. So hop on over, and don't forget to 'like' before you can download! ;-)
Of course there's way more! So sail across the digital seas, and you'll get way more freebies!
chef minnie mouse
romajo <-- That's me!
Happy Scrapping!
of gewoon hier.
It's the first Friday of the month: Designer Challenge reveal at MouseScrappers. This time we had a theme: Nautical. And because I haven't been on a cruise before, I thought about the Disney Bear who sailed across the world with his Mouse friend. Oh, for the challenge I made everything glitter-y. The freebie is dedicated to that cute sailor bear.... Duffy!! You can download my freebie by clicking the
preview, or here.
On my facebook page I also have a free alpha to go with this kit. So hop on over, and don't forget to 'like' before you can download! ;-)
Of course there's way more! So sail across the digital seas, and you'll get way more freebies!
chef minnie mouse
romajo <-- That's me!
Happy Scrapping!
zondag 1 september 2013
DBT: Back to School and Start Positive Thinking!
Het is al weer september, ongelooflijk toch? Wat vliegt dit jaar voorbij. Het goede er aan is dat het wel weer tijd is voor een digiblogtrein. Nou ja, ik geloof dat ik de enige ben die iets heeft... De bedoeling was om met elkaar te werken aan het thema 'Back to School and Start Positive Thinking'. Vooral dat laatste vond ik toch wel lastiger dan verwacht. En aangezien mijn dochter morgen weer naar school gaat, ben ik toch meer met dat thema aan de gang gegaan. Mijn gedeelte bestaat uit 3 delen. Het eerste deel is hier te downloaden (of klik op de preview), het tweede gedeelte staat op mijn facebook pagina en het derde gedeelte (de alpha) is alleen voor mijn nieuwsbrieflezers!
It's September already, can you believe it? This year is really flying by. The good thing is that it is time again for the digiblogtrain. Well, I think I'm the only one who has something... The plan was to work together on the theme 'Back to School and Start Positive Thinking'. Especially that last thing was harder than I thought it would be. And because my daughter has to go back to school tomorrow, I went more with that theme. My part is seperated in three. The first part can be downloaded here (or click on the upper preview), the second part is available on my facebook page and the thrid part (the alpha) is only for those who receive the newsletter. This alpha is only available for those who receive my newsletter. You can sign up here. The alpha will be in every newsletter during September. And who knows, you might be spoiled more, not only by me, also by my CT. And... you're always the first to get the news from me!
It's September already, can you believe it? This year is really flying by. The good thing is that it is time again for the digiblogtrain. Well, I think I'm the only one who has something... The plan was to work together on the theme 'Back to School and Start Positive Thinking'. Especially that last thing was harder than I thought it would be. And because my daughter has to go back to school tomorrow, I went more with that theme. My part is seperated in three. The first part can be downloaded here (or click on the upper preview), the second part is available on my facebook page and the thrid part (the alpha) is only for those who receive the newsletter. This alpha is only available for those who receive my newsletter. You can sign up here. The alpha will be in every newsletter during September. And who knows, you might be spoiled more, not only by me, also by my CT. And... you're always the first to get the news from me!
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