Januari loopt al weer op zijn eind... en hoewel we hier in Nederland nog geen (noemenswaardige) sneeuw hebben gehad, is het in sommige delen van de wereld wel anders. En ja, die sneeuwdagen moeten natuurlijk ook in een jaarboek gescrapt worden. Daarom is mijn eerste deel van de nieuwe P12 serie helemaal in sneeuw en ijs sfeer. P12-2014: January is nu te vinden in mijn shop, natuurlijk met korting de eerste week!

January's end is approaching at full speed... and although here in the Netherlands we didn't have had snow yet, there are parts of the world that have hada blizzard! And yes, those snowdays need to be scrapped as well in a yearbook. So my first part of the new P12 serie is completely ready for those snow-and-ice-days. P12-2014: January can be found in my shop, of course it's on sale for the first week!

Besides the monthly kits, I decided to create some basic packs as well: papers, elements, alphas maybe. Things you can use over and over again with all the different montly packs. The first basic pack is now in store: P12-2014: solids (1). On sale as well!
And do you like freebies? Of course you do! So hop to Jennifer's and Jlynn's blogs and get some goodies. Just for you!
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