Fijne Moederdag voor alle moeders! Morgen is het in ieder geval Moederdag hier in Nederland. Vanwege (i)NSD had ik geen tijd om een nieuwe kit te maken, dus is het weer tijd voor een Saturday's Super Saver. Deze keer de Moederdag kit van vorig jaar: Garden Party, Female. Zoals je kan zien heeft mijn shop nu een speciale Saturday's Super Saver sectie, hierdoor kan je makkelijker de super deals vinden! De superdeal is alleen in het weekend, de rest van de week geldt 50% korting.

Happy Mother's Day to all mums! Tomorrow it's Mother's Day, at least it is here in the Netherlands. Because of (i)NSD I didn't have time to create a new kit, so I decided it was time for a new Saturday's Super Saver! This time it's the Mother's Day kit I created last year: Garden Party, Female. As you can see, I created a new section in the shop for the Saturday's Super Saver deals. That way you don't have to scroll down through all kits to find the great deals. This superdeal is only available during the weekend, on Monday prices change to 50% discount.

Last year I made this freebie to go with the kit. So I thought I better offer it again in case you missed it. You can download it here! Have fun.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you for the extremely lovely journaling cards. I will make very good use of them. -Marie