This month (March 2015) I am the featured designer at With Love Studio! That means my complete shop is 40% off, the whole month. New releases are still 50% off during the first week. There are also some games to play and changes to win a coupon. And I have a brand new kit!

Vandaag een compleet nieuwe kit: March Of The Celts. Tenslotte wordt in Ierland op 17 maart St. Patrick's Day gevierd (en niet alleen door de Ieren, ook door ieder die zich Iers voelt over de hele wereld). Maar naast Ierse elementen, is deze kit zeker ook lente-achtig. En behalve de kit, zijn er ook 9 add-ons: 4 paper packs, 4 element packs en een alpha pack (met 6 volledige alfabetten in metal look). Natuurlijk ook weer als bundle te verkrijgen.

Today a complete new kit: March Of The Celts. On March 17 it is Ireland's National Holiday: St. Patrick's Day (not only celebrated by the Irish, also by those that feel Irish by heart around the globe). But beside Irish elements, this kit has a springish feel as well. And there's not only a kit, there are also 9 add-ons (4 paper packs, 4 elements packs and an alpha pack with 6 full alphas in metal look). Of course it's available as a bundle too.

To celebrate my month as featured designer, I have a lot of freebies to give away. The first one is available here: a pack with 12 coordinating glittersheets. The second freebie is a pack with March Of The Celts Journalingcards. You can get them at my facebook page. Also those who are subscribed to my newsletter will get an exclusive freebie: a sticker alpha going with the March Of The Celts kit. If you aren't signed up yet, you can do here. And finally, keep an eye on the WLS-blog on Monday (March 9th): some info about me and.... freebie(s) too!
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