Welkom bij een nieuwe Digi Express blogtrain! Deze keer hebben we er voor gekozen om te werken met 3 kraft kleuren. Daarbij konden we allemaal kiezen voor 3 extra kleuren. Het grappige is dat we bijna allemaal gekozen hebben voor een bijna zelfde blauw tint. Onderaan staat de complete blogtrain lijst. Ook vind je daar waar mijn delen te downloaden zijn!

Welcome to a new Digi Express Blogtrain! This time we choose to work with 3 kraft colors. We all could choose up to 3 other colors to go with that. The funniest part of that is that we almost all choose a similar shade of blue. Scroll down to see the complete bloghop list and where you can find my parts.

The alpha will be the newsletter freebie during June (send out every Saturday). Sign up here if you aren't already.
The elements can be downloaded here, or by clicking the preview.
The papers can be found on my facebook page, just click here or my sample page. (No need to like before downloading, but of course I would appreciate your like very much).
And finally, the tags can be purchased for free in my shop. Just add them to your cart.
And for your convenience, here's the complete bloghop list:
Northern Whimsy
Lori Imel Designs
Miggins does Scrapsville
Creative Bloom Designs
Dea's Designs
Sunshine Inspired Designs
Dreamn4ever Designs
Romajo Scraps<-- That's me!
Anns Scrap Heaven
Impish Me in the UK
Meg Scott Studio
Thank you for sharing this lovely mini!