zaterdag 29 juni 2013
Bye, bye June! Hello Summer?
Kan jij het geloven dat juni alweer bijna voorbij is? Dat betekent ook dat we al weer halverwege 2013 zijn! En hoewel we, op een paar dagen na, nog niet echt zomer hebben gehad hier in Nederland, heb ik de zomer maar in mijn nieuwste release gebracht! P12-June is de nieuwste in mijn P12 serie en zit barstensvol met zon, zee, cocktails, slippers en ander zomers plezier! Vanaf nu in mijn shop te vinden, met 50% korting!
Can you believe June is almost over? That means also that we're halfway 2013! And although we didn't have had summer, except for a few days, here in the Netherlands, I thought I should bring summer into my new release! P12-June is my latest release in the P12-series and it's full with sun, sea, cocktails, flipflops and other summer fun! By now it's in my shop, where it's 50% off!
Do you like freebies? Go to Jennifer's and Lisa's blogs, they both have a wordart for you!
zaterdag 22 juni 2013
A mental vacation to Tranquility Beach
Ook zo'n zin in een mentale vakantie? Eentje naar een paradijs, met rust, een zacht windje en het geluid van kabbelende golven? Ga dan mee naar Tranquility Beach, de nieuwste kit in mijn shop. Natuurlijk met 50% korting gedurende de eerste week!
Are you longing for a mental vacation? One to a Paradise, with peace, a softly blowing wind and the sound of the waves? If so go to Tranquility Beach, my newest kit in store. Of course it's on sale (-50%) for the first week!
And do you like a freebie too? If so, just click on the preview or download here, no password needed!
zaterdag 15 juni 2013
Happy Father's Day with a male Garden Party!
Alvast een fijne Vaderdag voor alle vaders in de hele wereld! En wat vinden vaders nu leuker dan een barbecue feestje? Weinig (nou ja, voetbal misschien?)! Daarom heb ik nu een aanvulling op de Garden Party kits: Garden Party, Male. Het is een minikit, met allerlei elementen voor het tuinfeestje waar de mannen zo van houden! Vanaf nu in mijn winkel te vinden, deze eerste week met 50% korting!
Happy Father's Day to all dads in the world! And what do fathers like better than a bbq? Nothing (well, maybe football?)! That's why I have a new kit as an add-on to the Garden Party kits: Garden Party, Male. It's a minikit, with all those elements you need for a garden party men like that much! You can now find it in my shop, with 50% discount for the first week!
Do you like freebies? If so, go to Lisa's blog,
she has some for you made with Garden Party!
And do you like a challenge too? Then you should join me in this week's Weekly Challenge at MouseScrappers. After completing the challenge you'll receive this alpha as a participation prize. And... two of you might be lucky enough to win or this week's new release, or next week's! So you better get scrapping! ;-)
Happy Father's Day to all dads in the world! And what do fathers like better than a bbq? Nothing (well, maybe football?)! That's why I have a new kit as an add-on to the Garden Party kits: Garden Party, Male. It's a minikit, with all those elements you need for a garden party men like that much! You can now find it in my shop, with 50% discount for the first week!
Do you like freebies? If so, go to Lisa's blog,
she has some for you made with Garden Party!
And do you like a challenge too? Then you should join me in this week's Weekly Challenge at MouseScrappers. After completing the challenge you'll receive this alpha as a participation prize. And... two of you might be lucky enough to win or this week's new release, or next week's! So you better get scrapping! ;-)
zaterdag 8 juni 2013
New Metal Alpha and some oldies!

Omdat het weer hier in Nederland nu zo lekker is, heb ik veel tijd buiten doorgebracht: lezen, wandelen of gewoon zitten in de tuin. Heerlijk! Dit betekent echter ook dat ik niet zo veel tijd achter de computer heb doorgebracht en dus ook niet zo veel gedesigned heb... Daarom een kleine nieuwe release: Metal Alpha is zeer veelzijdig door z'n lichte, metalen kleur! Deze week natuurlijk met korting in mijn shop (preview is gelinkt). Daarnaast heb ik een paar oudere release op nieuw ingepakt en gebundeld!

Because of the nice weather here in the Netherlands, I spent a lot of time outside: reading, walking or just sitting in the garden. Wonderful! This means I didn't spent much time at the computer though. I didn't design much either... That's why I have a small release this week: Metal Alpha is very versatile because of it's light, metal look. This week on sale with a big discount in my shop (preview is linked). Besides this new release, I re-pakaged some older releases and even bundled some of them!

The first one is this new bundle: Magical Memories. These are the kits and bloghop freebies I made for the first 6 Designer Challenges at MouseScrappers. Each part can be bought as a single minikit, but if you want them all you can get the bundle. Please check your stash, because these kits all have been sold at MouseScrappes and/or were the freebies I offered during the bloghops! Preview is linked to the shop, and both the bundle and the minikits are on sale!

I May I offered this as a freebie. One part you could get here on my blog, the other part was available on my facebook page. I added an alpha to make it a pretty minikit. That minikit is now available in my shop. Again, preview is linked and this first week it's also on sale!

And finally.... the best part of this post! I know you love freebies (so do I). If you go to my facebook page (preview brings your there immediately), you can download this minikit. It's available under the heart (but you have to like my page first). If you like to get the free alpha that goes with this kit too, you can sign up for my newsletter. As long as the freebie is available at my facebook page, I'll offer the alpha through my newsletter!
zaterdag 1 juni 2013
Poppies & Daisies... for free!!

Hebben jullie afgelopen maand mijn facebook freebie gedownload? Zo niet, dan ben je nu te laat! Vanaf vandaag staat er een nieuwe freebie online: Poppies & Daisies. Tenslotte hoop ik daar mee de lente naar hier te halen! Maar goed, de nieuwe release van deze week is geheel GRATIS!! Het enige dat je moet doen is naar mijn facebook pagina gaan, liken en downloaden maar! Veel plezier er mee, maar wees snel! Mijn doel is om 500 likes te krijgen en wie weet... dan is er weer een nieuwe freebie!? ;-)

Did you download last month's freebie at my facebook page? If not you're too late now! But... there's something new online already: Poppies & Daisies. At least I hope to get some spring in the air! Anyway, this week's new release is completely FREE!! The only thing you have to do, is to go to my facebook page, like and download! Enjoy, but you have to be quick! My goal is to reach 500 likes and who knows... there might be something new for free!? ;-)

Would you like to get a this coordinating alpha, too? Today it was sent to all who are signed up for my newsletter. I'm planning to send it again in next week's newsletter. So... if you like it and want it: you better sign up now! Just fill in this form and you even get an extra alpha for free. It's just a win-win: 2 alphas for free and up-dates almost every week about my products (oh, and free goodies now and then, too).
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