Ziet deze kit er bekend uit? Dat is heel goed mogelijk, want het was onderdeel van de 4de So Long Summer Grabbag (vorige week). Het is ook een release in mijn oude shop geweest. #FabFall: Owly You was ooit gemaakt als Valentijnsdag kit, maar vanwege de kleuren en de schattige uiltjes, vond ik het nu meer een herfst kit. Daarom dat het nu onderdeel is van de #FabFall series.

Does this kit look familiar? Quite possible, because it was part of the 4th So Long Summer Grabbag (last week). It has been a release in my former shop as well. #FabFall: Owly You was formerly made as a Valentine's Day kit, but because of the colors and the cute owls, I thought this was more an autumn kit. That's why it's now part of the #FabFall series.

Besides the kit there were Brads, Flairs and Stickers as well. They were not part of the grabbag! For the release at With Love Studio I also created a new Paper Pack with solid, glitter and ombre papers. All packs are available seperately. Do you want to save (a lot of) money? You can also buy the Bundle to get it all in 1 purchase. Of course everything is 50% off for the first week!
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