You probably already noticed: With Love Studio is down...
The owner planned on moving servers, but the old server company turned the server off all of a sudden and before the actual move could start. All files are now in transfering mode, but it will take some time. Besides that it takes time, there are some other hiccups as well.
So all we ask for is to be patient. Behind the scenes they are working like crazy to get things done, so hopefully things are back and up-and-running before Black Friday!
If you have any questions, need download links for your already purchased goods, wanted to buy a kit from WLS or something else, just send me a note at and we'll sort things out together.
Besides WLS being down, I had to work a lot these past 2 weeks. I was pretty limited on my design time, so there are no new releases either this week. I hope to have some things up for Black Friday (this month's templates) and I am working on some free stuff with kits for the next month! Just to let you know I am working on some things. :)