Voor Designer Challenge #26 kregen we deze keer weer een kleurenpalet. In eerste instantie had ik er wat moeite mee... ik zag er echt niks in. Gelukkig bracht mijn dochter uitkomst, zij zag direct de kleuren van haar lievelings character: Stitch! Lekker tropisch met een buitenaards tintje, dat is de minkit die ik heb gemaakt. Aloha Family is nu verkrijgbaar in mijn shop, net als de alphas die ik als inzending had gemaakt. Tot 13 mei kost beiden maar $1!

For Designer Challenge #26 we got a color palette again. At first I had no idea of what to do with these, but luckily my daighter saw something, she saw her favorite character: Stitch! Pretty tropical with a touch of outer space, that's the way my minikit turned out. Aloha Family is now available in my shop, and so are the alphas I made as my submission. Until May 13 both are available for only $1 each!

Of course I have some freebies to go with this kit and the submission as well. You can download the elements here at my blog. To download the papers you have to go to my Facebook page. And those signed up for my newsletter, will get the alpha with every issue during May. If you missed the sale for the minikit and the alphas, you'll find a coupon in the downloadlinks to get both of them for only $1 until the end of the year!

And here's the complete bloghop list:
Chef Minnie Mouse
Enjoy the ride!
Cute kit -- thanks for the freebies!